Remember…We should love one another!

3:11 1 John “For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another." (NIV)

It really is a simple message. Even a young child can do it. Yet, we make it complicated. We add conditions. We make up rules. We find excuses. We are worried what others will think. We need reminders…and OFTEN. ‘We should love one another.’ To make it stronger…’love one another’. Just as Jesus has loved you, just as you are… so you can also ‘love one another’. Start today and continue it forever!

Would you please get this verse and message out to all of your friends, family, and co-workers in His kingdom. Ask when was the last time they heard this message (i.e. ‘love one another’). Ask if they find it hard to put into practice. Listen to what they say and what they mean. Let them know what the verse means to you. Tell them about the love of Jesus and ALL that he has done for them (even if they haven’t taken notice). Continue to show His love to them. Please Take Time For God’s Word(c) at 3:11 am or pm and as you hear the word ‘love’ (hopefully often), think about this verse and then show your love for one another. It is helpful if you can begin to attach meaning or feelings for the verses which end in x:11 (like 4:11 or 9:11). We know that 4-1-1 is used to get information (but most people just ask Siri or Alexa or Google). So, you can make 3-1-1 be your reminder to ‘love one another’. Whenever you see a 3-1-1 in an address or phone number or sign or wherever… associate it to 1 John 3:11 and the reminder to ‘love one another’. It will be all the help you need to share His love with those around you. So, remember to ‘3:11’ today and everyday!

We add to our prayers all the youth pastors and lay leaders of our youth groups in our churches and our fellowship groups. It is SO IMPORTANT that we reach kids as they grow and mature. They have SO MANY temptations and distractions from the Gospel. They are the future of the church. We need to invest our time and energy into reaching them with the Gospel and equipping them for the battles against evil which they will face. We ALL need to support them and tell them that we pray for them. Say THANKS. Volunteer if you can. Be a blessing to them. Pass it on each day as you do the best that you can… to love one another!

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