Be who you are…a child of God!

3:01 1 John “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him." (NIV)

How do you handle being a child of God? WOW! That is what we are… when we have been saved by faith in Jesus, we become brothers and sisters with Christ… and heirs to the kingdom of God. He gives us full and complete forgiveness…He lavishes us with His love…He gives us an abundance of blessings… AND when we can’t receive any more, He even spills them over to those around us so that they are blessed as well. How great is that! Live like you are a child of God. Love like you are a child of God. Forgive like you are a child of God. Give like you are a child of God…”And that is what we are!”

PLEASE provide this verse and message to all of your friends on social media and on your email lists. Ask if they have ever had anything ‘lavished’ upon them. Ask how did that make them feel to see such an outpouring of love and generosity by others. Share with them the grace of God and how He lavishes His love upon us. Let them know that you are praying for them. Let His love show through you and invite them to join in the family of God. Always Take Time For God’s Word(c) at 3:01 am or pm and as you hear anyone talk about family, recall this verse and KNOW that you are a child of God. Make this verse a ‘top-of-hour’ Reminder on your phone at 3:01pm each day with a title of “3:01 1 John See what great love the Father has lavished on us…” Regardless of how your day is going up to that point, this Reminder verse will brighten your spirit and lift your mood. You will know that you are a child of God. He has a plan for you. He is with you always. You are already on the winning side. With those reminders, you can take on any giants that stand in your way. God is with you…always!

Our prayer focus today is for all of the pastors, ministers, and lay leaders in our churches and in our fellowship groups. They have a calling. They have a mission. They have a ministry. They are willing to commit all they have to fulfill His plans for them. We thank them. Let them know how much you appreciate what they do. Tell them that you are praying for them. Support their families as well. Be a blessing to them as you offer to serve within the church. Get to know the other ‘family members’ in God’s family… we will be spending a LOT of time with them so get introduced to them now. Pass it on from the abundance of His love lavished upon you.

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