You will have eternal life…as promised…

2:25 1 John “And this is what he promised us--eternal life." (NIV)

‘I promise…’ Even from our youngest years, we are taught that when you make a promise… you keep that promise. Yet, we know that even with the best intentions, we do not always keep our promises to each other, to ourselves, and to God. We also know that God ALWAYS keeps His promises to us. From the days of Adam and Eve until now and through eternity, His promises are true and will happen as He has commanded.

Copy this blog or the link to extend this verse to friends and family. Ask what is the biggest promise they have ever made. Ask if they expect to be able to keep that promise… no matter what happens. Share with them any of your promises and your promise to serve God. Help them to know that His promises are true and will last for ever. Please Take Time For God’s Word(c) at 2:25 am or pm and as you hear anyone make a promise, think of this verse and His plans for your eternal life. Use this verse to make a visual association to something that you have also made a commitment to…a class ring… a wedding band… a wristband for a cause… or something similar. When you see that item, associate it with the numbers 2:25 and that “…he promised us – eternal life.” It will be a hopeful and reassuring reminder to you whenever you make that connection. It tells you that you are already on the winning side. His promises all come true. You can be assured of that. Celebrate it now and share the Good News with others… God will make room in heaven for all who can believe!

We ask that you pray for specific missionaries that you may know or that your church may be sponsoring. We want to lift up their names and their needs. They may be serving around the world or around the block. There are mission fields everywhere that we look. They need to hear the Good News and to believe God’s promise… to have eternal life with Him. Be a blessing to those around you. Pass it on to all that you meet… and you will meet them again!

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