This world and its desires pass away!

2:17 1 John “The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever." (NIV)

Did you ever want something…that one thing…so badly that you thought about it all the time. Then when you finally got it, you realized that it wasn’t so special or valuable after all. We sometimes get fooled by the world and things in this world. Yet, we KNOW that this world and EVERYTHING in it will all pass away. In that day, the ONLY thing that lasts is your love for God and His never-failing love for you. In Him, you will live forever! Now that is a promise that is truly out-of-this-world!

PLEASE pass along this verse to family, friends, and neighbors…near or far away. Ask if there is anything in this world that lasts. Ask how long that item or thing will last. Remind them that only the love of God and the God of love will last forever. Let them know that He loves them so much that He send Jesus to die to take away their sins. Let them know that you pray for them. Always Take Time For God’s Word(c) at 2:17 am or pm and as you see special things in this world you will know that they will pass away. Please recall this verse and praise God for His great love. You can print out this verse card and put it where you will see it often. We do need to be reminded that this world is temporary. We need to know that striving for things that do not last is a futile way to live. When you see this verse card on your dresser… or taped to your bathroom mirror… or sitting on your desk at work or school… you will know that seeking Him and living for Him is the best choice ever… both now AND forever! Pass along that Good News to those who may not yet know Him!

Our prayers today go out to all of the organizations which lead and support global mission efforts. We think of World Vision (Federal Way, WA) and all of their many efforts to sponsor children in some of the poorest countries and areas in the world. They provide food, training, education, medical support, etc. depending on what is needed the most. They seek sponsors who will give to support these efforts and creates a direct communication path between the sponsor and that child. I have greatly enjoyed this for nearly 35 years. What a blessing to me… what a blessing to those children. Do what you can. Support where you can. Be a blessing as much as you can be. Pass it on so that the world can see Jesus clearly reaching out to them.

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