Live as Jesus did!

2:06 1 John “Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did." (NIV)

How do your live your life? It’s a tough question. We know what we should do and say… yet, we have a LOT of disruptions and distractions from that plan. We know that. AND, we know that we can turn over ALL of those things to Him. He can handle it. Then we can refocus our attention to living as Jesus did. Keep it simple. Keep it honest and real. Keep it pointing to the glory for God. You will see a difference. You will make a difference. You will find more joy in everyday living.

PLEASE route this verse to all of your friends and family. Ask if they have a plan and priorities each-and-every-day. Ask if they are able to stick to that plan and if they can do all that they have planned. Let them know how you try to live each day. Share with them the joys that we have in trying to live as Jesus did. Then, Take Time For God’s Word(c) at 2:06 am or pm and as you plan out your schedules and priories each day, then think of this verse and live as Jesus did. If your read through this verse about 3 times, you will know it. Then it is just putting a Reminder on your phone with a title of “1 John 2:06 …live as Jesus did”. Set it for 2:06 on a Wednesday and have it repeat for 1 month. After that, when you see 2:06 pop up as a time, you will be reminded to ‘live as Jesus did’. Now that is something we can all hope to do as we live to His glory and praise!

Our monthly prayer cycle begins with us faithfully remembering to pray for our women and men in the military…all branches… past or present…and their families. We KNOW the commitment that it takes to serve. We KNOW the dangers that can happen when on active duty. So, we KNOW that they need our prayers and our support for their families when they are deployed. Offer to help. You will be a great blessing to them. Welcome the person home when they return. Show your gratitude. AND, THANK YOU!!! If you were in the military service. You are a blessing to all of us. Pass it on by showing His love as you live as Jesus did!

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