Do not deceive yourself…

1:08 1 John “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." (NIV)

There are a whole lot of people who go through life thinking that they are ‘not-that-bad’ and they assume that they are ‘good-enough’ to make it to heaven. They are being deceived…by themselves! If we are honest with ourselves, we are ALL sinners. We know it. We see it every day. We know what we deserve. Yet, God through His great love has given us (for free) His Son (for freedom) who died on the cross and rose again (forever breaking the hold of sin). If we believe that, then we know that we can lay our sins at the cross and that we can be forgiven and free at last from the death-grip of sin. Know this verse…know His forgiveness in your life!

PLEASE pass along this verse (and the one for tomorrow) to ALL of your friends on social media and on your email lists. Ask if they know anyone who is perfect…100% perfect. Ask if they have ever made a mistake…error…flub…goof-up…blatant wrong…or anywhere in between. Welcome to the club… you are a sinner just like the rest of us! Yet, we have a solution. It was given by God. It was through His Son, Jesus. It is a one-size-fits-all-sinners response to the consequences of sin. Instead of death, we get a new life…an eternal life in Him. Let them know they are loved dearly. Share that with them. Please Take Time For God’s Word(c) at 1:08 am or pm OR as you see sin in yourself or others, then bring to mind this verse. Make these next two verses an Alarm on your phone. This verse 1:08 and tomorrow’s verse 1:09 are a part of our church’s weekly confession of sins. We say it all the time. Do we believe it all the time? Some may not. Some may harbor secret sins. Some may defend wrong actions. Some may hide those things which they can’t quite give up to fully accept their sins… and then fully confess those sins to Jesus. Know that you are a sinner (just like me). Know that Jesus is the ONLY one who can take away those sins. Know that He loves us with an eternal love. Accept the truth. Live in His love!

Our prayer focus for today is for all of the judges at all levels and all of the court’s staff who serve us by enforcing our laws and by determining the punishments that may be required for those who break the laws. It is a challenging job. It is often a thankless job. Yet, it is a necessary part of our world and in dealing with those who sin in ways that harm us and put our lives at risk. Thank those judges and staff. Let them know that you pray for them. They appreciate it. Be a juror if called to serve there. Stay blessed to be a blessing. Can you imagine a process where the guilty actually pleaded ‘guilty’… I guess they don’t know this verse…yet! Pass it on to help others to see their sins and to ultimately know their Savior…Jesus!

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