In Him there is no darkness at all!

1:05 1 John “This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all." (NIV)

Light is amazing. It travels fast (186,000 miles per second). It travels far (billions of miles from distant stars). It contains millions of colors (both seen and unseen). It eliminates darkness. We can see the world and all of its beauty because of light. We can see God because He created light and we know Jesus to be the Light of the World. There is no reason to hide in darkness when we have seen the light. There is no sin that will not be exposed to the light. So, let your light shine for Him in this world as you reflect the light of His love to everyone that you meet. They will see His love working in and through you. Shine on!!

PLEASE forward this verse to family, friends, and neighbors who need to have their day brightened by the light of God’s love. Ask what is the brightest light they have ever seen. Ask if that light eliminated all the darkness that was around them. Remind them of the Light of the World… Jesus. Share with them how He has made a difference in your life. Imagine what our world would be like if there were no light…only darkness. That’s what life is like for people who do not know Jesus as Savior and as Friend. Always Take Time For God’s Word(c) at 1:05 am or pm OR when you turn on a light switch in your home, then you can remember this verse. By now you know that I am a fan of using the utilities on our smart phones to help to recall favorite verses. They offer some of the 30 ways that we can use to help us to recall and link verses to activities in our daily lives. You can set a Reminder for 1:05 pm and you give it a title of “God is light…” You can also copy the whole verse into the Reminder if you like, but often just a few words are all that is needed to trigger the memory of the verse. Setting just a few Reminders or Alarms on your phone and you will have several great times to spend a few minutes with God’s Word throughout your busy day. Try it soon. You will be glad that you did!

We continue to offer prayers for the many social causes and organizations which are dedicated to helping people in various needs and stages of life. These may be blood banks, disease research groups, military support groups for disabled veterans, conservation groups that encourage us to be good stewards of our world, and more. These help people in need. They promote the common good. They ease the suffering and seek to help people across all walks of life. Encourage them. Help them where you can. We can show our love for Him in how we serve others. Be that kind of blessing. Pass it on to those still in darkness to see and to know the Light of life.

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