He is the Word of life!

1:01 1 John “We proclaim to you the one who existed from the beginning, whom we have heard and seen. We saw him with our own eyes and touched him with our own hands. He is the Word of life." (NLT)

We ended the series in Psalms after many months of great verses. We begin this new series in 1 John and it is appropriate that we start at verse 1. It established the credibility of the author (John) as one who heard it and saw it all firsthand. This was the original Eyewitness news (and it was Good News). It was also John’s personal testimony so it was ‘I witness’ news as well. At this point in history, the other Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) are well known and have been shared. It still makes sense to state upfront why people should believe the contents of this letter. It is also important for you to be a credible witness to what Jesus is doing in your life. Share the lessons you have seen and heard and learned with others. Continue to pass it on to every generation… forever!

You can give this verse to family, friends, and co-workers in His kingdom. Ask what is the latest piece of ‘news’ that they shared with someone else. Ask why they shared that particular piece of ‘news’ and what made it so important that they wanted to tell others about it. Let them know that is how we feel about the Good News of the Gospel about what Jesus came and did for all of us on the cross and through the empty tomb. It is the only ‘news’ that will carry forward into eternity… so it is VERY important. We don’t want anyone to miss it. Then,Take Time For God’s Word(c) when you see or hear any newscast on your phone, TV, or the radio, then think of this verse. You may want to add this verse as an Alarm on your phone at 1:01pm with the title, “1:01 1 John We proclaim to you the one…” Set it to go off weekly on a Saturday. When it rings, see if you can finish the whole verse. If not, reread it a couple of times and try it the next week. Soon, you will recall the whole verse AND you will be reminded to be an ‘I witness’ person who shares his or her faith with those around them. It is great Good News… and there are people who still need to hear it and to believe it. Keep up the great sharing!

We are in the middle of a monthly prayer cycle and we focus our prayers on our government leaders and officials at all levels. We know they need our prayers. Let them know that you pray for them. Pray for wisdom, compassion, and commitment to defend and preserve the freedoms which we cherish. Continue to stand up for what is good, right, and true. Stay blessed to be a great blessing to many others. Pass it on by proclaiming what you have seen Jesus do in and through you!

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