God is your helper and your shield!

115:11 Psalm "All you who fear the LORD, trust the LORD! He is your helper and your shield." (NLT)

The closer that you become to God’s Word, the more you know Him and the more that you trust in Him. He is our help in times of trouble. He is our protector. He is our shield so we can withstand the arrows and weapons used against us. With that, we have more confidence to face each new day and any new trials or tribulations which may come our way. “…If God is for us, who can be against us?” (8:31 Romans (NIV)) Continue to trust in Him… always and forever!

PLEASE commend this verse to friends on social media and on your email lists. Ask who they trust the most. Ask why they have such trust in that person or organization and if they ever feel they will ever let them down. Remind them that God is trustworthy. He always keeps His promises. Whatever He has promised, He will deliver. Trust in Him! Then, Take Time For God’s Word© multiple times each day and as you hear the word ‘trust’, then think about our verse as “115:11” and thank Him for being your shield today. This can be thought of as 11-5-11…all odd numbers…all prime numbers. Just like we have 4-1-1 or 9-1-1 as special and emergency numbers on our phones, this verse is special as we KNOW that we can trust the Lord. We KNOW that He will help us. We KNOW that He will shield us. So, don’t wait for an emergency to reach out to Him…He is always there! Call on Him often…He loves to hear from you!

Please pray for all of the homeless and those who seek support from shelters like the Pacific Garden Mission (Chicago, IL). They continue to provide meals, beds, and support to hundreds of men, women, and children who seek their help each day. They have been blessing people in the Chicago area for well over 130 years. They have trusted in God to provide donors to fund this outreach and it continues to be a strong presence and a place for people to go when they need shelter and encouragement. Support them when you can. Be such a blessing in your community. Stay blessed always. Pass it on with God as your helper and as your shield through the storms of life.

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