God reaches us wherever we are!

113:07 Psalm “He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump.” (NLT)

We have all seen the pictures. Pictures of kids…searching in garbage cans…searching through garbage heaps… dirty looking kids trying to find something to eat. They are heart-wrenching pictures. It is hard to believe that those conditions exist…but they do. Yet, that is how we must seem to God when He sees us trying to live this life on our own…without Him… without receiving His grace and blessings. He still comes to meet us where we are… and He then claims us as His own and clothes us and feeds us and guide us through life… new life in Him. Help others to meet Him…soon!

PLEASE route this verse to friends, family, and co-workers in His kingdom. Ask if they have ever witnessed kids or adults sorting through garbage to find something to eat. Ask how that would make them feel if their life reached such a desperate point. Remind them that without Him in our lives, that is how we must seem to God…poor and needy…hoping for a savior. Let them know the Good News that God does love them and He cares for them each day. Please Take Time For God’s Word© frequently each day and as you see the poor and needy, then remember this verse as “113:07” and thank God that He has rescued you. We have talked about the ‘poor and needy’ several times. It is a persistent topic. It is a very REAL need in most communities. We need to not only think about it but we must also act on it. September is a ‘hunger awareness’ month. Plan now to share extra canned goods or boxes of food items. Let you hand reach out on His behalf to feed them and to share the great Good News. He will rescue those who seek Him!

We extend our prayers for ALL of the other skilled workers that are needed to make our schools run effectively…principals, nurses, bus drivers, custodians, cooks, administrative staff, volunteers, and so many more. Each has a role to play. All are necessary to provide a complete education to our children and grandchildren. Let them know that they matter…that their contributions are important. Thank them for their service to others. Be a blessing to them as they bless others. Pass it on by helping to lift up the poor and needy to find their hope and fulfillment in Jesus name.

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