Grow in wisdom each day!

111:10 Psalm “Fear of the LORD is the foundation of true wisdom. All who obey his commandments will grow in wisdom. Praise him forever!” (NLT)

What makes a person wise? Is it years of experience? Is it just being really smart? OR… is it more than that? The Psalm writer David tells us that ‘The fool says in his heart, "There is no God.“ ‘ (Psalm 14:01 (NIV)). And we know that the fool is just the opposite of a person who is wise. Therefore, knowing there is a God is a start… but KNOWING God personally, now that is real wisdom. From there, God will show you wonders and insights your whole life-long. Start now. Grow in wisdom each day. Trust His Word!

PLEASE send along this verse to all of your friends…wise and other-wise. Ask if they feel they have built their lives on a firm foundation. Ask what that foundation is and why they feel it will last a lifetime. Pay attention to how they describe it. Share with them the foundation which is built upon the Word of God. Describe how that helps you each day. Let them know that you pray for them. They need to know that you care deeply for them. Then, Take Time For God’s Word© each day and grow in wisdom from His Word. Remember this verse as “111:10” and thank Him for giving you that wisdom. If you are counting, you always begin at ‘1’ as the foundation number. Here, we have 1-1-1-1 followed by a ‘0’. It can remind you that without a firm and solid foundation that we are ‘nothing’ (i.e. ‘0’). You want to create a visual image or phrase that leaves an impression and that helps to trigger the memory of this verse. Even linking a few key words like ‘Lord’-’foundation’-’wisdom’ will be enough for you to recall it. Stay close to His Word…that means you will have His Word with you always!

Please keep in your prayers all of those who are in hospice care or Alzheimer’s care units. Pray for those who care for them and for the families of those who are patients there. We know how sad and painful it is to see your loved ones slip away either physically or mentally or both. We want to do more. We want to keep them with us just a little longer. God knows our anguish. He is with them. He is with us as well. A friend noted that today was the 5th birthday of her mom being in heaven. She knows that dying is that new-beginning of eternity for them. So love them and tell them so. Then trust God to care for them the rest of the way home. Be that blessing. Pass it on from the source of true wisdom and the foundation of our faith!

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