Do good to those who persecute you…

109:05 Psalm “They pay me back evil for good and hatred for love. ” (GNT)

This world is unfair (in case you didn’t know that). There will be people who seem to criticize you now matter what. They even take the good that you do and twist it to make it seem wrong. They take the love that you show and they show a hatred towards you instead. Jesus told His disciples this would happen because of Him. So, don’t give up in doing what is good. Never give up on loving others and showing them the love of Jesus. Pray for those who seem to be your enemies. It is not fair… but, we KNOW that God is in control and that He will be their judge… one day soon.

Take a moment to forward this to all of your friends who are believers in Christ. Ask when they have been treated unfairly for doing something that was good. Ask how they have felt when they showed love but received hatred or criticism in return. Share with them examples from your life experience. Rejoice with them (yes, rejoice) in knowing that this would be the results of claiming the name of Jesus and of living a Christian life in a world that does NOT know Him and does NOT want to acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior. We are to be ‘in the world’ but not ‘of the world’. We have a higher calling. And, Take Time For God’s Word© faithfully each day and when you will find that others resist what you stand for, then be assured by this verse as “109:05” and pray for patience and guidance in responding to these attacks. It is frustrating to experience what this verse describes. For some of us, the message in this verse describes our everyday life… others seem to be out to get us and to put us down. They will NOT succeed. We KNOW that God is on our side. We WILL overcome their attacks. We WILL stand firm in the faith. We will even pray for those who stand against us… that God would touch their hard hearts and would lead them so see the Gospel truth. This verse helps us not to be surprised by how the world will treat us. It also encourages us to grow deeper in faith and to show more fully the love of Christ to ALL whom we meet each day. Press on!

It is highly appropriate that we pray for all of our pastors, ministers, and lay leaders in our churches and in our fellowship groups. They are under attack from many sides. They are spoken against unjustly by those who want to change the message they deliver. We need to support them in their calling and their ministry. We need to defend them. We need to let them know that we are praying for them and for their families. Do so today! Then continue to encourage and uplift those who lead. Offer your help. We need more strong leaders in the faith. Stay blessed to be that blessing wherever you worship. Pass it on by ALWAYS showing love and kindness in all the good things that you do in the name of Jesus. Great is your reward!

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