Getting through life’s storms…

107:29 Psalm “He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves.” (NLT)

During a trip to the Holy Land, we were about to take a tourist boat across the Sea of Galilee. It looked sunny and warm across the lake. Yet, the captain saw the winds blowing and the seas rising up. The waves can be dangerous, even for larger boats, and he cancelled the trip. We took a bus around the lake instead. Storms can happen quickly. We can get caught in them and we are unprepared. The disciples found this out. They also found that Jesus can still the winds and the storms with just a word. Know that He still calms the storms of life. Trust in Him!

PLEASE send this verse along to any friends or family members who are going through a storm in their lives. Ask how the storm developed and who is impacted by it. Ask how you can help and how your can pray for specific needs. Life gets very real when we are in the storm. It takes all of our attention. It drains us of energy. Be there to help them through the storm and help to show the way to Jesus who can calm their storms. Always Take Time For God’s Word© each day and as you see storms in life, then repeat this verse as “107:29” and thank Him for calming your storms. You may want to print this verse card and put it on your mirror or on your refrigerator. It is a reminder that we have a God who can calm the storms in life. Your storm may be…a lost job… a wayward child… a health crisis… the loss of a spouse… or something more. God knows your situation. He knows your need. He is waiting for your request. He is waiting for you to turn it over to Him. Let Him calm the storm and still the waves so that you can be at peace with Him.

As we end our monthly prayer list cycle, we again pray for that one person that you know who desperately needs to have Jesus in their life. It may be a friend, family member, co-worker, or others. You know their name. You know their need. Lift them up in prayer today and always. Tell them that you are praying for them. They need to know just how much you care for them. Stay blessed to be such a blessing to that person. Pass it on even through the storms in life knowing that He can still the waves and the storms.

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