The hungry are filled with good things…

107:09 Psalm “For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.” (NLT)

Hunger and thirst. We can all relate. Yet, very few REALLY know hunger the way those in third world countries know it…daily… painfully… tragically… it is all some have ever known. Physical hunger and thirst are important and we support organizations that help to deal with those issues. Spiritual hunger and thirst are just as real… just as painful… and have eternal consequences if they are not satisfied through knowing Jesus Christ as the Bread of Life and as the Living Water. Keep sharing. Keep blessing. Keep praying… until He comes again!

PLEASE send this blog or this link to remind your friends and family about this verse. Ask when they were the most hungry or the most thirsty. Ask how long before they again had something to eat or drink and how that made them feel. Listen carefully to their responses. Share some examples from your own experiences. Let them know about the saving power of Jesus. He can provide for both physical and spiritual needs…every day. Always Take Time For God’s Word© often each day as you take a drink of water or a bite of food, then repeat this verse as “107:09” and thank God for ALL He gives to us. This may be a verse card to print out and to put on your refrigerator or near a faucet. Actions like getting a glass of water or a snack from the pantry are NOT common for millions of people. They lack clean water. They have no refrigeration to store foods. They do not have the blessings that we have, yet many have great faith and are spiritually well fed. May we continue to help those in need. May we continue to support groups that provide for the needs of others. May we BE the love of Christ to others around us. “He satisfies”… and so much more!

We are near the end of our monthly prayer list and we remember all of those who are serving us through our legal and judicial systems at all levels… judges, court staff, attorneys, etc. Pray for their good judgements and fair assessments in legal matters. We have a process for seeking justice and equal treatment under the law. Support those in authority to perform such services. Encourage them. Tell them that you pray for them. Stay blessed in ALL that you do. Pass it on as you share His grace to all the hungry and thirsty who still seek Him!

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