When is enough ever enough?

106:02 Psalm “Who can list the glorious miracles of the LORD? Who can ever praise him enough?” (NLT)

We have it good… some of us even have it VERY good. Maybe just a little too good…because we start to take it for granted. We start to think that we deserve it. We think ‘we’ did pretty well… and we forget to give God the thanks and praise that He deserves for ALL that we have. We take the praises which should be directed to Him. Start today… watch for the miracles…then give Him ALL the praise and glory for them. Watch to see how your life can go from good or great to AMAZING. Don’t miss any of the blessings He has planned for you. Then share them with others!

PLEASE extend this verse to family, friends, and neighbors…near or far. Ask if they have ever experienced what they consider to be a miracle in their lives. Ask if they were thankful for that and if they gave God the credit for it. Share with them some of the miracles of Jesus. Let them know of His great love for them. Keep them in your prayers. Next, Take Time For God’s Word© throughout each day as you see wonders and miracles unfold, then recall this verse as “106:02” and praise God for ALL He has done for you. You may want to take a photo of this verse card to keep it handy on your cell phone. It seems that we ALWAYS have our phones with us… but not always our Bibles. You can access many good Bible apps and verses which you have saved on your phone. That way His Word is ALWAYS with you. It is to remind and encourage you along your path through life. Keep praising Him…it will never be enough but it is a great start!

Each month we ask for prayers for all of our elected and appointed officials in all levels of government. It is clear that they NEED all the help they can get. We need to encourage them to give their full time attention to the needs of the people that they represent. Reach out to them. Let them know that you pray for them. They need to know that they have ongoing support. Continue to show the love of Christ in all that you do. Be an example of His love in action. Stay blessed. Pass it on.

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