Follow the wisdom of God’s plans for you!…

104:24 Psalm “How many are your works, LORD! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” (NIV)

If you spend time outdoors, you are quickly impressed by the great variety and interdependency that exists between all of creation. Everything has a purpose and a place in the plan of God. He has specific plans for mankind and He showed us how much He values us by sending His Son, Jesus, to die that we may be saved from our sins. Know that love personally each day. Share that love with those around you. It will open your eyes to the true wonders of ALL of His creation.

PLEASE send along this verse to the important people in your life. Ask how many different species of animals exist on our planet (about 8 million or more). Ask how many they feel that they have seen so far. Let them know just how much God loves them and cares for their needs. He wants to have a personal relationship with each of them. Always Take Time For God’s Word© throughout each day and as you see any variety of different species of plants or animals, then think of this verse as “104:24” and recall that God loves you deeply. You may want to remember this verse as 10-4 by 24 (104:24). Ten-four is the response used to signify that a message has been received and understood. Twenty-four represents an around-the-clock watch that God has over us. So, we can see and understand and appreciate the vast variety of God’s creation (10-4) AND we KNOW that He is caring for us each day (24). We then have 104:24 Psalm to remind us just how great is His creativity and His care for us! Thank Him for it ALL!

We continue to pray for all of the many relief and support organizations around the world which are focused on the refugee crisis as people flee from homelands for safety concerns and to seek a better life in other lands. We pray for Exodus World Services (Park Ridge, IL) and their work to help refugees get resettled and reestablished after years in migrant or refugee camps. They partner with churches to support and enable these new families to get set up and linked to the people and services needed to sustain them. It takes dedication. It takes commitment. It takes compassion. And that is what they provide. So, help where you can. Encourage those new families and welcome them. They have waited years to go through all the right processes and channels to arrive here. Help to make them feel welcomed just as Christ welcomes us into His family forever. Be blessed to be that blessing. Pass it on because He has called you His own!

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