There is no end in sight…to His love…

103:11 Psalm “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;” (NIV)

It is interesting to me that we often try to put measurements on God…the Creator of ALL of it. That is why we keep coming back to terms like ‘forever’ or ‘eternal’ or ‘infinite’ as there is no box or boundary which can contain the love of our God. And that love was shown on the cross through Jesus Christ. He will never run out of love for us… thank Him for that each new day!

Please forward this verse to your family, friends, and co-workers in His kingdom. Ask if they have ever wondered just how big is the universe. Ask if they have ever felt that God could not love them. Let them know that His love extends beyond our universe and His love can never fail. Offer to pray for them. We need to uplift each other in our prayers. Then, Take Time For God’s Word© each and every day and as you look up to the heavens, then recall this verse as “103:11” and think of His great love for you. Verses 103:11 and 12 (tomorrow’s verse) go together. As you think of one, you will remember the other. As today is 7/11, you could think that 10-3 equals 7 and it is the 11th day (10-3:11)…(yes, that is a unique way to think of it.) OR, some of you may have 103 degrees in temperatures (and that’s memorable) on the 11th (103:11). Or however you decide to make this verse memorable, it will help as you will want to remember it and 103:12 together. It is OK to read ahead… it is a great reminder, too!

We offer our prayers each month for all of the teachers, aides, and social workers across all of our elementary and high schools. It may be summer but it is only 4-5 weeks before classes begin in many of our schools. We pray that they are resting up for another academic year. May they provide their best efforts each year to help students to grow, learn, and become more adaptive to the future. May His followers provide an example in Christian living which sets them apart from others. May the students and faculty see the difference. Encourage them. Support them. Be a blessing to them. THANK YOU if you are (or were) a Teacher! Pass it on to the ends of our world and beyond!

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