What will you pass on to the next generations?

102:18 Psalm “Let this be recorded for future generations, so that a people not yet born will praise the LORD.” (NLT)

We know that we can’t take it with us… so, what are you leaving behind for generations yet to come? While we think of money or possessions, we need to be creating a legacy of faith and trust in God. We need to be doing His will and His work while we are still able. Invest in family activities that create cherished memories and a lasting testimonial that Jesus made ALL the difference in your life. It is the one thing that will last… forever! Pass it on each day.

PLEASE transmit this message to family, friends, and neighbors. Ask if they have a Will prepared on what they plan to pass on. Ask if they have any ‘special messages’ or ‘statements of faith’ that will be read with the Will. By making such statements of faith to be attached to the Will or the family trust documents, we have one more chance to state our faith and faithfulness to Jesus as our Savior and Friend. Consider it. They will remember those statements. Please Take Time For God’s Word© daily and put your faith in writing to those yet to come, then recall this verse as “102:18” and seek God’s plan for how you can make a final statement of faith. Most of us like to talk about heaven yet we don’t like to talk about that final step that gets us to heaven…death and dying will happen to all of us. Many Christians plan a funeral or memorial service with hymns, passages, and testimonials by family and friends. They understand that it may be a last time they will get a chance to reach some people who still don’t know Jesus. We should all have a heart of making that last witness count for His kingdom. So, keep living fully until He calls you home. We are ALL on that journey towards home!


Offer your prayers of thanks and support for all of the physicians, doctors, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, etc. who provide care to all of us through offices, clinics, urgent care centers, and more. We are truly blessed with the variety and depth of skilled women and men who are there to care for us in time of accident, illness, or diseases. Many share those skills with others through missionary trips or local outreach efforts. Tell them that you pray for them. Let them know that you appreciate their care for you. It will be a blessing for them to know that. Pass it on to coming generations in word and in deeds that will be told and re-told about how His love touched you.

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