Do you pray in desperation?

102:01 Psalm “LORD, hear my prayer! Listen to my plea!” (NLT)

For too many people, prayer is only used as a last resort…a sort of ‘tried-everything-else-so-why-not-try-God’ thing. When that happens, it acknowledges that they are not in control…they need help…they need God. And, when things get better, they forget how God has helped them. Let that NOT describe you. Let us ALWAYS be in prayer to God with praise, with thanksgiving, with intercession for others, with forgiveness, and with requests for our needs. He does hear. He does listen. He does act. He helps your faith to grow as you ‘wait upon the Lord’. Trust His plans for you!!

Remember to submit this verse to all those that you are praying for each day. Ask if they know that you are praying for them. Ask if they will also pray for you and your family. We are a praying people. We support each other in prayer and through our prayers. God hears and listens to each prayer. It changes things. It changes you. Next, Take Time For God’s Word© throughout each day and pray often for others needs, then think of this verse as “102:01” and listen with your heart to where God is leading you. God has been good to me and to my family. We have been blessed. We have had trials and heartaches, too. Yet, in it all and through it all, God has sustained us. So, while I do not know your situation or circumstances, I do know that God’s love and care and provision are there for you."Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (7:07 Matthew). Be blessed to be a blessing in ALL that you do!


We lift up in prayer all of our hospitals and clinics including all the staff, doctors, and patients. Whether for routine issues or for life-saving operations, we KNOW that prayers are answered there. We know that many of the physicians and nurses pray for their patients. They know the healing power of the Great Physician as they know that Jesus focused on healing people. Support those in need while in the hospital. Offer your comfort…love… and care to them. Be there for them in their time of need. Stay blessed. Pass it on through prayers of intercession and support for others.

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