Time to improve your sight?

101:03 Psalm “I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. I hate all who deal crookedly; I will have nothing to do with them.” (NLT)

How would you rate your vision? No, not 20/20 or near-sighted. How to you rate it from a content perspective? Do you focus on “G” or “PG” rated materials or does your sight stray to the “R” or “X” categories? The media does a poor job (my opinion) of editing content that is suitable to watch. They let out things that are totally (my opinion) inappropriate for any age group. They figure that people will filter it on their own. So, be reminded that we do control what we see and who we associate with. Make wise choices. Make choices that are pleasing to God. Make choices which bring glory to His name.

Please forward this verse to ALL of your family and friends. Ask if they feel that the media is too open and liberal with the content they provide. Ask how they filter it out for themselves and their children. Share with them ways that you try to see what is good and wholesome. Pray with and for each other to continue to strive for goodness in what you see. Always Take Time For God’s Word© each day and view those things which are positive and uplifting, then think of this verse as “101:03” and pray for guidance in your viewing and in your friendships. We have choices. Choices in what we see…in what we read…in what we hear… and in the people that we associate with. We often are less selective when we are tired or stressed. That is why we suggest that you save these verse cards to Photos on your phone. You will then ALWAYS have good, positive, uplifting, and loving words to see and to recall. These are great whenever you are waiting in lines or just resting between tasks. Make His Word your first choice and the remaining choices throughout your day will be easier and more clear. Let your focus be on Jesus.


Please keep in your prayers all of those people who are in hospice or Alzheimer’s care facilities. Pray for the staff and the families of those individuals. There is often great stress and anxiety for those caring for people who need help and comfort in these facilities. Let them now that you support them. Let them know that you love them. Spend time with them. Time is the greatest gift you can give. Give generously. It will be an investment of love that is priceless. Continue to be great blessings wherever you are. I know that you do that… THANK YOU! Stay blessed. Pass it on by showing discretion in what you see and what you say.

Enjoy a great 4th of July! Be grateful for our freedoms and our liberty. Use them well. Protect and defend them always!

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