Serve the Lord with gladness!

100:02 Psalm “Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.” (KJB)

When we were kids, we all had chores to perform around the house and at our dad’s business to keep things running smoothly. I am sure that I was not always the most cheerful child in doing those duties. I have improved a little bit since then. Now, I do consider it a privilege and an honor to serve others in little things or in bigger projects or activities. I can see how God has used me greatly through the years and how much I have benefited from those times of service. How about you? Make it a point today… and every day to ‘serve the Lord with gladness’… and keep up the singing as well. It helps to make each day He gives us to be a special day!

Copy this blog post or the link to this page to extend this verse to your family, friends, and neighbors. Ask if they had any special chores or duties as a child growing up. Ask which one(s) they liked the most… and which they liked the least. Share examples from your own life, too. Let them know that we are to always serve the Lord with gladness. It makes the whole day go much better when we do. Please Take Time For God’s Word© throughout the day or as you hear any laughter or gladness, then recall this verse as “100:02” and ‘do a checkup-from-the-neck up’ (as Zig Ziglar would say). This may be a verse card to print and to pin up or tape up where you will see it. We often need to be reminded to ‘Be glad for all God is planning for you…’ (Rm 12:12 TLB) We need to look forward to offering our acts of service as part of our worship and part of our stewardship. It is an honor to serve others. We are blessed in doing the work and they are blessed in receiving it. Look for places you can serve others today… and do it with gladness!!


Please continue to pray for your pastors, ministers, and lay leaders at your church or fellowship group. Encourage them. Thank them. Tell them that you are praying for them. We need them to serve with gladness… even as they are helping members of the church go through illnesses, deaths in families, problems of many kinds, etc. Help them to be reminded of His goodness and His great blessings. Be that blessing to them as they serve to be a blessing to others. Pass it on with great gladness… and keep up all that joyful singing!

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