Make a joyful noise unto the Lord…

100:01 Psalm “A Psalm of praise. Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.” (KJB)

Psalm 100 is a long-time favorite of mine. We will look at if from the King James Bible (which was the version I used as child in the 1950’s… yes, shortly after it was translated… :)) Psalms are great because they can be so uplifting and encouraging. Some translations start with “Sing unto the Lord” or “Shout unto the Lord”… if you have ever gone to a Christian youth gathering, the “Shout unto the Lord” is more accurate. Even if you hear songs in other languages or musical styles, you may think, “Make a joyful noise” is most appropriate. So, sing, shout, or make a joyful noise… as long as it is in Praise to God for all that He has done… it will be well received by God! Sing on!!!

Please send along this verse to friends on social media and on your email lists. Ask if they have ever been to a concert or musical event which definitely sounded like ‘make a joyful noise unto the Lord’. Ask which style or type of music they like best and why they like it so much. Really listen to their reasons. Share with them the way(s) that you like to praise the Lord. Invite them to join you at a church service or fellowship group meeting to hear other styles of music. Continue to Take Time For God’s Word(c) often each day or as you hear a song of praise… join in, then recite this verse as “100:01” and make your own version of a joyful noise before the Lord. You may associate this verse with just a word to get you started… Sing… Shout… Make a joyful noise…. Or others. Know that there is power in words. They evoke emotions. They evoke memories. They express how we feel. So, pick ones that are ‘action-packed’ so that they stand out in your mind… I am sure that my grand-daughters would think that ‘make a joyful noise’ is a good description of how I sing lately… so that is what I will do!!


Continue your prayers for those specific missionaries that you know… at home or around the world… names you know. Seek God’s provision for them and their families. Ask for blessings upon blessings in their efforts to share the Good News with people who need to know Jesus as Savior and as Friend. Let them know that you pray for them. Share verses with them. Encourage them. Send them your support. You are a great blessing… be that for them today. Pass it on through singing, shouts, or joyful noises given to our God!

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