We are to bear good fruit…always …

92:14 Psalm “They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green,” (NIV)

This verse reinforces the fact that God is with us our whole life. Even when we grow old, He is there to help us to be fruitful in sharing the Good News with those who still need to hear it. I like this translation which says…”in old age, they will stay fresh and green”. The King James Bible states it as ,”in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing;”. While that may be more descriptive of some of us who are getting older, “fresh and green” seems to indicate that we are relevant and growing. There is no ‘retiring’ from sharing the Gospel with others. It is our calling throughout our lives. Stay “fresh and green” as you grow closer home every day!

PLEASE route this verse to family, friends, and neighbors. Ask at what age they plan to (or did) retire. Ask if they think that life will slow down after retirement. Share with them that we are to be fruitful even in our old age. As for slowing down, it hasn’t happened yet for me. I tell people that if knew retirement would be so tiring, I would have rested up for it. God still has plans for us… don’t miss any of those blessings. Then, Take Time For God’s Word© daily as you see any fruit, then recall this verse as “92:14” and thank Him for each day that He gives you. In addition to associating verses with time, you can associate verses with familiar things around you. As this verse is about fruit, pick a favorite or unusual fruit and make it a point to recall this verse whenever you see that fruit. After a few times, whenever you see that fruit, you will begin to automatically recall the verse. Then you will again be reminded that God is with you and helps to keep you fresh and growing. Try it!


Our prayers today go out to our government officials at all levels of national, state, and local government. They need all the prayers they can get. It is a challenge to manage and govern in a world of complex issues and many competing demands. Many new laws create change which will be evolved over many years. We need to continue to stand for the religious and civil liberties that help us to share the Gospel. Be involved. Speak up for what you believe shows the love of God. Support those in office by letting them know that you pray for them. Be a blessing to them. Pass it on while bearing fruit in all that you do.

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