Are you a good steward of what God gives you?

89:11 Psalm “The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours; everything in the world is yours—you created it all.” (NLT)

How much is enough? That’s a serious question. For some people, they can never have enough… there is always more that they want. For us, we KNOW that God has made it ALL and it is ALL His. We are stewards of the blessings that He gives to us. Now, the question becomes… are we acting like a ‘good steward’ of His gifts to us. Are we using them for His purposes and for His glory? If not, start today by thanking Him for ALL that He has done for you. Then be willing to gladly share with others for the sake of His kingdom. The rewards for it are out-of-this-world… really!

Please forward this verse on to family, friends, and neighbors. Ask what is there most prized possession. Ask why it means so much to them. Listen closely to what they pick and how they describe it. Remind them that there are no U-Hauls attached to hearses… you can’t take it with you. Instead, encourage them to be good stewards in sharing what they have with those in need. Always Take Time For God’s Word© daily as you enjoy the beauty of the world that God has made, then think about this verse as “89:11” and offer a prayer of thanks for ALL He has done for you. This may be a verse card to print and to place by where you store or pay your bills. It is always a good thing to evaluate how you spend your time and your money. We often sign up for things and then never use them… yet we still pay for them. Consider each bill and see if it is something needed AND if it is something which brings glory to God. Then, adjust accordingly. It will simplify your life and will give you more joy in using what you have to further His kingdom.


We ask that you also offer your prayers for ALL of the other people who make up the staff at our schools… principals, assistants, nurses, music teachers, librarians, bus drivers, cooks, custodians, and so many more. All are important in order to have a well organized and well run school program. All have interactions with the children in direct and indirect ways. Let them know that you are praying for them. Thank them for their service. Support them in whatever ways you can. Be that blessing. Pass it on to generations to come… as we won’t be needing any of this ‘stuff’ as we enter into eternity with Him.

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