None can do what our God does!

86:08 Psalm “No pagan god is like you, O Lord. None can do what you do!” (NLT)

King David lived in a world of MANY false gods and strange religions. Guess what… so do we!! There are billions of people who follow those same idols and gods made with human hands. We now have great communications tools and a world-wide-web (the Internet) from which we can share the Good News to those (billions) who are still looking for the one true God. Keep reaching out to them. There is still much that we can share with them about the love of Christ!!

Would you PLEASE direct our verse to family, friends, and neighbors, near and far. Ask what do they have which symbolizes their religion or what do they worship. Ask how that helps them in their faith. Pay close attention to their answers. It may give you an opening to share more about the love of Jesus with them. Ours is the only faith where our God chose to die (and be raised) for us so that we could be with Him. No one else can make such a claim. Then, Take Time For God’s Word© multiple times each day and as you may see signs or symbols of pagan gods, then think about this verse as “86:08” and know that there is no god to compare with our God. Sometimes number patterns can help to make verses more memorable… for example: 12:12 Romans; 12:21 Romans; 7:7 Matthew; 10:10 John… and many others. This verse is 8-6-8 for 86:8 Psalm. It may trigger a memory from 8/ (19)68… (yes, some of us can remember that far back). Or it may be part of a phone number, address, or license plate… so when you see 8-6-8, you recall that “None can do what you (God) do!”. It reminds us that we are already on the winning side. We have a home waiting for us. We have nothing to fear. That sounds SO GREAT that we really ought to tell someone about it… and that’s what we do, to His glory!


We pray for all of the Christian colleges and universities. This is graduation time. Young women and men will leave these great schools to enter the workforce. They will meet MANY new challenges from the world around them. The world will test their faith and their choices each day. Pray that God blesses those institutions and all of their students so that they KNOW that He is with them. Encourage those new graduates. Help them where you can. Be a blessing to them when you can. Pass it on KNOWING that there is no god like our God and that He proved His love for us through Christ!

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