God has covered ALL of your sins…

85:02 Psalm “You forgave the iniquity of your people and covered all their sins.” (NIV)

I have lost a few things in my lifetime. The thing that I am most happy to have lost are my sins… Jesus took them all away. I don’t miss any of them. I travel lighter each day now that I don’t need to carry them around. I really do feel set free. How about you? Are you truly taking God at His Word and letting go of all of those sins which He has already forgiven… please do! There are SO MANY wonderful things that He has planned for you once you can let go of the past and step into His future plans for you. Don’t miss a single day of the ‘new you’!

Feel free to offer up this verse to friends, family, and neighbors by copying the blog or the link to this page. Ask them to recall a moment that they would want to ‘do over’ in life. Ask them if their life would have been different if that had changed. Let them know that while we cannot go back and change the past, we can give up those past mistakes and sins to God. He will cover over them. We will be made new. Don’t miss that great opportunity. Then, Take Time For God’s Word© often each day as you recall that He removed ALL of your sins, and remember this verse as “85:02” and offer thanks for His forgiveness and grace. If we can recall the ‘action words’ in a verse, we can usually recall the whole verse. The words ‘forgave’ and ‘covered’ are the heart of this verse. Iniquity means 'immoral' or 'grossly evil' actions. Regardless of what they were, His love can still cover over them. Once He has covered them, do not try to look for them again. Be glad that your sins are lost and that you are now found in Him!


We again lift up our prayers for all of those in nursing homes and in assisted living facilities. I recently saw that friends were celebrating the 101st birthday of their mom. She is getting great care. She still visits with others. She enjoys seeing her family stop by. Reach out to those that you know in these homes and buildings in your community. Let them know that you remember them and you care for them. Be that blessing (at any age). Pass it on knowing that your sins are gone and you are set free!

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