Will the next generation follow Jesus?

78:07 Psalm “So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands. ” (NLT)

The statistics don’t look good. Many churches are closing as members die off. Church giving is shrinking in most areas. More people state that they have NO church or religious affiliation. That just tells us that we are not getting the Word out enough. We need to share it. We need to live it. Then they will see a difference that only Christ could do…He makes us a new creation. There is no time like ‘NOW’ to share His love and grace. People will be eternally grateful that you took the time and had the courage to tell them about salvation through Jesus Christ. PLEASE pass it on!

PLEASE pass on our verse to all of your friends and family, near or far away. Ask what they believe is the MOST IMPORTANT thing to share with children and grandchildren. Ask if they have done that yet OR when they plan to do that. Listen carefully to their answers. Tell others what a difference Jesus has made in your life. Show some excitement. Give them examples of how God blesses you and what you have learned from Him. Remember to Take Time For God’s Word© daily as you see people from each generational group, then recall this verse as “78:07” and do work to find ways to share His love often with people in each generational group. Don’t let the generational ‘label’ cause you to miss out on the great blessings that we have when we bring the Good News to others. The message is the same for all ages. Maybe we phrase it differently. Maybe we use a newer Translation. Let us adapt to get the message out for ALL to hear. Share His miracles and His grace to those you know. Get bold and share a verse with a person that you don’t yet know. You may get some wonderful surprises for doing that. Keep telling the story of Jesus now and until He comes again.


We pray for all of the brave men and women who are serving (or who have served) in the military. They are making a huge sacrifice to defend our freedom and to be ready to respond to any nation or people who would attack or put at risk our freedoms. Also pray for their families who support them and who also keep them in prayer. Be of service to those families as a way of saying THANKS for their sacrifices, too. What a blessing you will be to them. Stay well. Stay blessed. PASS IT ON to each generation now… and forever!

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