What will you tell the next generation?

78:04 Psalm “We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD, about his power and his mighty wonders.” (NLT)

What have we failed to tell our children about God? Sure we taught them songs and verses and prayers… but did we tell them enough about His love and His forgiveness? We sometimes used God as the ‘surveillance-camera-in-the-sky’ by telling them that ‘God is watching’. He is watching… but it is for our good and not to catch us doing bad things. So, even if they are now grown up, still tell your children (and grandchildren) about the great grace of God and His unending love for them. Then keep telling them… until He comes again!

Please convey our verse to all of your lists of names on social media and in your email lists. Ask if they felt that their parents taught them well. Ask if they feel that they are doing as good of a job as their parents did. Pay attention to their answers. Share the part about forgiveness. I would guess that most families didn’t spend enough time talking about forgiving others… and themselves. God forgives completely… He remembers those sins no more… gone forever. Then, as always, Take Time For God’s Word© during each day as you see any children, then consider this verse as “78:04” and remember to pass on His love to everyone, always. As I grow older, I seem to hide things where I cannot find them… yet. I must be pretty good at hiding… not so much on finding. So, I make it a point NOT to hide the love of God or the truth in His Word from my kids or grandkids. I share verses with them often. It helps me to remember them. It help them to remember something more about me. And I pray that it will help them to know about God and His amazing love and grace. Don’t hide His Word. Share it. Live it. Enjoy it. Pass it on!

At the end of our monthly prayer cycle, we ask that you remember that one name or one person that you KNOW who needs to have Jesus in their life. Pray for them earnestly today. Tell them that you pray for them. Ask what you can pray for on their behalf. Show your love and care for them. Be His hands and feet in their life. It may have eternal impact in their life. Please do it… and keep doing it for them. Be that blessing. Pass it on to the next generation(s) so that they will know His love… forever!

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