Bring your tribute to God…always!

76:11 Psalm “Make vows to the LORD your God, and keep them. Let everyone bring tribute to the Awesome One.” (NLT)

What have you promised to do in your life? To whom have you given your vows or your pledges? We need to realize that those promises matter… they reflect on our personal integrity and trustworthiness. When we make a promise to God, He expects that we will fulfill it… just as He fulfilled His promise to provide a Savior to take away our sins. And when (or if) you fail, seek His forgiveness and mercy… then renew those vows and do what you have promised. It is our privilege to come and to pay tribute… our thanks and praise… to God for ALL that He has done for us.

PLEASE forward our verse to those people that you know on social media and on your email list. Ask if they ever made a vow or promise which they could not fulfill. Ask how that made them feel and how that has impacted their lives. Share with them the Good News that Christ died for them to take away all of their sins and shortcomings. They can have a personal relationship with Him AND they can know His promises to them which will never fail. Then, Take Time For God’s Word© several times each day as you hear people making promises or commitments, then remember our verse as “76:11” and bring your tribute to God by giving Him the praise and glory for ALL that He does for you. It is fun to print out these verse cards and to put them in different places. Some are in obvious places… like a refrigerator door (we see those a LOT)… others in less viewable spots (like inside a medicine cabinet). Yet, whenever you find one, it is still great to repeat the verse and to recall why you put it there. It gives you a brief moment to pause and to think of what God has done for you. It gives you a moment in time to think of loved ones and friends who need a short prayer. Use this technique often. It creates some wonderful surprises as you find His Word showing up all around you… AND it keeps you focused on Him!! Be blessed!

We remember in prayer all of the judges, courts, and those who support and enable our judicial system and processes to continue. They are often out-of-sight (and to some, out-of-mind) as they perform great services and fair judgements on all of those individuals who have failed in some way to live within the rules of our society. They serve us well. They deserve our thanks and support. We need to be good citizens and provide fair input if called to jury duty. Let them know that you pray for them. Share your thanks with them. Be that kind of special blessing. Pass it on by keeping your promises and by giving God the thanks for loving and forgiving you each day.

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