God will bring justice…at the right time!

75:02 Psalm “God says, “At the time I have planned, I will bring justice against the wicked.” (NLT)

Just like the Psalm writer, we sometimes question the timing of God’s actions AND His patience with those who are wicked and who do evil. What is He waiting for? He should deal with them NOW… please! Yet, His love and forgiveness is ready to reach even those who have been enemies of the Gospel… just like He was able to change Saul from being a Christian persecutor… into Paul who became a Christian missionary. We do not always see His plans yet we know that they are for the good of His people. He will bring justice…at the time He has planned. So, let us stay busy thanking and praising Him until that day comes.

Click ‘Like’ on this post and then click ‘Share’ to route this verse to friends and to co-workers for His kingdom. Ask if they feel that the wicked seem to prosper while the good people seem to suffer. Ask what they feel should be done to change that situation. Share with them the incredible patience and forgiveness of God. Tell them about the Good News that He has planned for them. He does not want to lose any from the kingdom of heaven. Please continue to Take Time For God’s Word© often each day as you hear about any news of crime (and there is a lot of that), then recall this verse as “75:02” and thank God for providing justice to all people. You may want to save this as a Reminder on your phone for 5:02 pm with the title, “75:02 Psalm …At the time I have planned,”. That should be enough to remind you of the verse and the day of judgement that is yet to come. We are not God. We are not to judge or condemn others. We are to help and encourage them. We are to witness to them. AND, we are to forgive them… YES, even those who are doing wicked things. That’s our calling.

Please continue to pray for those people and communities which are dealing with extreme weather related issues. It may be ongoing flooding or its clean-up, wind and tornadoes damage, rains that are delaying crop planting, and so much more. Some people have been impacted in severe measures. They need help. They need essentials. It is all gone. So, be that helper. Be that blessing. Be the one they can count on. That is what we do… we are the hands and feet of Christ… we are His love in action. THANK YOU for what you are doing!! Pass it on while waiting for God’s timing on bringing His justice to this world.

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