Keep your desire on what God has done…

73:25 Psalm “Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth.” (NLT)

In this Psalm, the writer lays out the seeming appeal of those who are rich and who seem to have it great in this life. It seems they do well without trusting in God. Then, it becomes apparent that this life is all they have…and it can be snatched from them in an instant. Our Psalmist quickly understands that having the whole world would still not come close to comparing with the blessings that we have in knowing God. It is a wake-up call… now he sees clearly the differences AND being close to God wins every time. Let that be our reminder each day. Knowing our God is an eternal blessing. Don’t miss it!!

Send this verse along to family, friends, and neighbors (PLEASE). Ask if they could trade places with one person on earth, who would that be. Ask why they feel that being that person would have any advantages for them. Take a moment to hear what their reasons are… it will tell you something about the person. Then share with them the great joys and eternal rewards of knowing God and in claiming Jesus as your savior. We have an inheritance which is truly priceless. Continue to Take Time For God’s Word© each day as you see or hear stories about rich or famous people, then consider this verse as “73:25” and thank God that He is everything that you will ever need. We often need to ask simple questions to get us to simple answers. It comes down to simple faith… faith in God… faith in what Jesus did for us… faith that it will make a difference… faith that God is still in control. In the end, that is what will really matter. It won’t be fame or fortune or anything else that this world recognizes or rewards. In the end, our faith will be all that we need… so keep building up that faith each day as you walk with Him. Soon you will see that you already have everything that matters!!

We ask that you focus your prayers on family and friends. We so often think that we’ve mentioned them and then realize that we have taken them for granted. They are a gift from God. Treat them with a special love, forgiveness, and grace. Know and ask for one thing that they need and see how God answers those prayers for you. Let them know that you are praying for them. They need to know that is one more way that you show love for them. Stay blessed in ALL that you do. Pass it on by keeping your desire on God’s will and not your own. He will provide the best for you!

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