Enjoy serving God now…and forever!…

72:11 Psalm “All kings will bow before him, and all nations will serve him.” (NLT)

Like some people say, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know that makes all the difference in the world.” That’s good news as we know the ONE who can bring ALL nations unto Himself. We so often forget that God is with us and wants to bless us throughout our lives. We have the privilege of serving others, in Jesus name. We are entrusted with the Good News and we are to share it widely and often. Value your relationship with God as much as He does. Make each day count for Him!

PLEASE share this verse with your friends and family. Ask who is the most prominent or famous person that they have met. Ask about the circumstances of that meeting and how it made them feel. Listen for their details. Then tell them about knowing Christ and following the will of God each day. It is still Good News to those who don’t yet know Him. Next, Take Time For God’s Word© often each day as you hear reports about different nations, then think of this verse as “72:11” and praise God for your chance to serve others in His name. You may want to set a Reminder on your phone for 7:11pm with the title, “72:11 Psalm …all nations will serve him”. You may also think of it whenever you pass a 7/11 Store (7-2-11). They may serve your favorite slushy or type of coffee. Again, it is just a link or trigger that when you see that sign or that store, that you will recall this verse and the blessings of knowing Him…now… and forever. Stay blessed!

Please pray for all of the youth music groups and choirs at your church or fellowship group. It is often through the music and lyrics that our youth gain deeper insights and understandings of the Christian life. Music is a powerful tool. We need to encourage the groups and their leaders. Thank them when they sing or share music at a service. Let them know what a blessing they are through their gifts of music. They need encouragement… please give it to them often. Be that blessing to them. Pass it on knowing that God will win in the end and that we can experience that every day until then. Praise the Lord!!

PS. Happy Mother’s Day to those who are a mother AND it is a great reminder to be thankful for what mothers have done in each of our lives. You are a blessing!!

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