Show and tell…the amazing love of God…

71:18 Psalm “Now that I am old and gray, do not abandon me, O God. Let me proclaim your power to this new generation, your mighty miracles to all who come after me.” (NLT)

If you were asked to give the 10 Best Life-Lessons that you have learned, what would they be? Would it be about…investing…saving… relationships… fitness… eating habits… career choices… home buying… OR would they come from the Bible as the Word of God. There are MANY great life-lessons in God’s Word. Many will last for more than a lifetime… they will last into eternity. Our time is NOW. It is our time and our turn to proclaim the Good News to the next generation(s) that Jesus is THE ANSWER for the world and for all who are in it. Share His miracles in your life. Make it personal. Keep it real… showing the real love of Christ. He will touch hearts and lives because of your witness to them!!

PLEASE click ‘Like’ on this post and PLEASE click ‘Share’ to extend this verse to all of those friends who are a bit older as a gentle reminded to them (and us) that we have work to do. Ask what they plan to leave to their children or family when they pass away. Ask why those things are important to them. Listen closely to their response. Share with them the GREAT VALUE of sharing the love of Christ to all of their families and friends. It is a gift that makes this a blessed life AND it gives us an eternal life with Christ. Nothing else even comes close to that inheritance. Remember to Take Time For God’s Word© daily a you see the effects of aging on all of us, think of this verse as “71:18” and share the blessing of His love with everyone you meet. I mentioned sharing the ‘verse cards’ with my grand-daughters as one way to pass on the faith. You can easily share this message and others like it by clicking the ‘Share’ button which routes the verse and message to ALL of the people on your Friends list (and that can be a lot of people). It reminds them about you and what you believe and stand for. It gives them some inspiration for the day. It gives them the chance to pass it on again by hitting ‘Share’. As you can see, clicking Like and Share can increase the reach of these verses by 10x…100x… 1000x… or more. It is just another way that we pass on the Good News to the next generations who are connected to social media technologies. We also post to Twitter and Instagram. We plan to post some videos to YouTube and someday we may have a set of podcasts. We desperately want to reach the next generations with the love of Christ. Please do your part by passing it on and by sharing from the heart what He has done for you! May God richly bless you for it!

Our prayers continue to reach out to all of the organizations providing shelter and services to the homeless women, men, and children in our country and around the world. We pray for the Pacific Garden Mission (Chicago, IL) and their spiritual and much needed physical presence in the heart of the city. They provide food, shelter, support, Good News, and so much more. They have been doing it for well over 140 years… now THAT is commitment. Help them if you can. Help others wherever you can. You have been blessed…be a blessing to others in His name. Pass it on to ALL of the next generations… and do that NOW… and until He comes again!

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