You are of great value to God!

71:09 Psalm “And now, in my old age, don’t set me aside. Don’t abandon me when my strength is failing.” (NLT)

We ALL get older but we don’t need to feel old. I recall my mom telling me that she (85) picked up her sister (90) and a friend (102) to go to the funeral of another friend (104). I told her is was nice of the ‘young people’ to take care of their ‘elders’ (too funny). Yes, we go through some great changes as we age… medical issues… death of a spouse… downsizing (multiple times)… moving… managing on fixed incomes… etc. Yet, we NEVER need to feel that we are set aside by God. We are precious to Him our whole lifetimes… and beyond. Get moving…get involved…help others in greater need… give of your time and talents… pray… pray even more. God has got you… the victory has been won… keep rejoicing until the day you claim it… eternally!

PLEASE share this verse with all of your family and friends who may be getting older and who are struggling a bit on where they fit in. Ask if they have met any new friends or gone to any new events. Remind them that they may yet find their new ‘best friend’ for the rest of their lives… don’t miss that opportunity. Spend a few minutes with them. Listen carefully and care-fully to them. Be that blessing to them. Continue to Take Time For God’s Word© daily and as you see an elderly person, then recall our verse as “71:09” and thank God for all of those special people in your life. A man at church had been a widower in his late 70’s. He asked the pastor if there were people in the church that he could look after and help as they got older. The pastor gave him 5 names…the man took the whole list and cared for them selflessly. In his early 90’s, he returned to the pastor and asked for a new list… all of them had no passed away but the man still needed purpose in serving others. How about you?? Who can you call, visit, assist, support, care for, etc. to be the hands and feet of Christ to someone in need. You have great value to God… use it for His glory!

We pray for a ministry focused on aging and how to make it some of the best years of your life… after all, you are only old once! This set of online resources and references are provided by a retired pastor and a retired CEO of a Christian charity organization. Now in their 80’s-90’s, they are still finding new ways to serve and to help encourage others to get the most out of their ‘golden years of life’. Find out what they have found and be better prepared to have a marvelous experience of a lifetime as you add years to your life. Find it at: Be blessed to be a blessing. Pass it on your whole life long until you reach your new life… forever!

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