Are you a model… a model Christian?

71:07 Psalm “My life is an example to many, because you have been my strength and protection.” (NLT)

Who did you model your behaviors after when you were growing up? A family member is often a big influencer. Or it may have been a teacher, coach, boss, or instructor of some kind. We see how others are living their lives and then we try to do what they do. Therefore, choose GOOD examples to model after. Even better, model behaviors after what Jesus did for others. Show kindness, compassion, gentleness, forgiveness, and so much more. Be aware that people are watching you (not to be paranoid) and they want to see what a Christian does that is different than others… so, be an example of Christ’s love in ALL that you do. Let His light and life show through you!

You can route this verse to all of your friends on social media and on your email list. Ask if they feel that they are a good example of how others should live. Ask why they feel that what they do is something worth modeling or copying in a person’s life. Listen carefully for their responses. You may be surprised. Share what you try to do in modelling behaviors after those of Christ. We know we aren’t perfect yet we try to follow the commands of Jesus to love one another. Always Take Time For God’s Word© each day or when you see a picture of a model, then consider this verse as “71:07” and adjust accordingly in order to model after Jesus. I was always a bit envious of people with artistic talents, especially those who could take a lump of clay and in minutes they have fashioned a mug or plate or bowl on an potter’s wheel. It is a behavior I tried to model… it didn’t work for me. Yet, I can practice showing love, kindness, caring, giving, etc. just like I have learned from so many Bible verses. May you also be reminded to be a good example of the love of Christ to ALL of those around you!

We lift up in our prayers all of the adoptions services agencies around the county. We focus on Evangelical Child and Family Agency (ECFA – Wheaton, IL). They find couples and families who want to model loving behaviors to newborns and children of various ages. Please support the adopting families as they work to be parents who are loving, kind, patient, trusting, and so much more. Be a blessing to them. Pass it on by being a living example of the love of Christ being shared through all that you do or say. It is OK to be a ‘super’ model of His love!

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