God pays attention to your prayers!

66:19 Psalm “But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer. ” (NLT)

Do you have a hearing problem… or is it just a listening problem? King David knows that God listened to his prayers for help. He knows that God took action based on those prayers. He wants to tell everyone about the faithfulness of God who hears AND listens to our prayers. He can even hear the longings of our hearts… or those sighs which are too deep for words… or when we are silent because we don’t even know what we should be asking for. God is listening to ALL of that and so much more. Set aside a lot of prayer time each day. Spend about ½ of the time talking and the other ½ of the time listening for what He may say to you through your heart and mind. Really listen to Him!!

Please take a moment to route this verse to close friends and family. Ask if they have ever been accused of not listening when someone is talking to them. Ask why they stopped listening and what caused them to start again. Remind them that God is ALWAYS listening to our every prayer. Share with them some of your prayer experiences and knowing that God pays attention to all that you have asked of Him. Encourage them to be good listeners when they are talking with others. Learn to be insightful and to ask good questions which can allow you to offer help to other people. It may have an eternal impact for them. Then, Take Time For God’s Word© daily as you spend time listening to the needs or questions from others , and recall this verse as “66:19” and thank God listening to your prayers. You can take a photo of this verse card and put it on your phone in your album of Favorite Verses. As you stop to wait for something, take a moment to browse through those verse cards or key verses. Let this be a reminder to pray… and to listen to others as God listens to you. It shows a personal commitment and love when you pay attention to their needs and that you really listen to what they say (and don’t say, sometimes). Let them know that you love them. Careful listening is a high compliment that we pay to those that we love. So, listen up!!

Our focused prayers go out to all of the nursing homes and assisted living facilities. We pray for the staff, for the patients, and for all of the families of those patients. These facilities provide a great service and loving care to so many who have a need for their capabilities and programs. While most of us would agree that we hope to not need those options, there may come a time when we do. If you know someone who is at one of these places, PLEASE take a minute to reach out to them… phone call, text, email, or a ‘Thinking of You’ card. You will be a blessing to them by showing that you care. Really listen to what they share with you. Be there for them. Pass it on by being a good listener and by offering up prayers for the needs of others.

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