Seen any miracles lately?

66:05 Psalm “Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles he performs for people!” (NLT)

Miracles come in all shapes and sizes. Most happen without our realizing it… without ever giving God the glory for providing it. It may be healing of the body… or of a broken relationship… or of being far from God and then being brought back to Him. We need to invite others to ‘come and see’ what God is doing in your church or fellowship group. When you can experience the changes that He performs in people, you will know what a miracle it is. He takes hearts that are hard and makes them soft again. He takes faith that was dead and makes it alive again. Don’t miss out on a single miracle that He has planned for you. Watch for them. Praise Him for them. Share them with others!!

You can route this verse to all of your family, friends, and co-workers in His kingdom. Ask if they have seen something that was a miracle to them. Ask how that made them feel and what they did as a result of that miracle. Encourage them to ‘come and see’ the types of miracles which you may be part of your church or fellowship group. Let them see that love of Christ working in and through you each day. That is a miracle! Continue to Take Time For God’s Word© each day as you watch for His miracles to happen in your life, recall this verse as “66:05” and praise Him for His awesome miracles. This would be a great Reminder on your phone for 6:05pm with the title, “66:05 Psalm - Come and see…” It will be enough for you to finish the verse and to recall the miracles which God performs in and through you. Others will notice. They will ask, ‘what has changed’? Then you can share with them the Good News… that Christ can make us new each day. We can share His love and His forgiveness. They will soon see what a miracle it is to have your sins forgiven. Let His light shine through you!

Please offer up your prayers for all of the Sunday School teachers and helpers who give of their time and talents to help our youth and adults to grow deeper in the faith. THANK YOU if you have been or still are a Sunday School teacher. What a blessing you have been. Use those talents to help share and shape the faith of others. They often use visual aids to help explain the Bible story or message. Seeing helps us understand better in what we believe. Stay blessed. Pass it on by sharing the miracles that God performs with those who need a miracle in their lives.

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