Stop feeling overwhelmed…today!

65:03 Psalm “Though we are overwhelmed by our sins, you forgive them all.” (NLT)

Life can get pretty complicated. Technology helps… sometimes. Other times, it is the technology which is causing the problems. We spend so much time in the tools that we miss the relationships with the people around us… and those are way more important. We get good at being busy… so busy that we don’t seem to have time for God. We then get more overwhelmed by our sins and we forget to bring them to the only one who can forgive them… all of them! Take a moment… or two… and pause to thank God for His great love and forgiveness. Let Him take away those sins. Now, spend time with a loved one. It is what we are here for… each other! Be that blessing to them.

PLEASE forward this verse to friends and family, near or far. Ask what is the most overwhelming part of their day. Ask how they could simplify it and make it more manageable and less overwhelming. Let them know that God has already provided for them the forgiveness from their sins. All they need to do is to accept it through Jesus Christ. It is amazing how life gets better when you are in a right relationship with God. Ask if there is anything that you can pray for in their lives. Let them know how much they mean to you. Always Take Time For God’s Word© during the day when you may feel a bit overwhelmed, think about this verse as “65:03” and know that God has already forgiven your sins. This may be a verse card to print out and to put on your desk or on a bulletin board where you will see it. It is easy to get busy and to get overwhelmed by life’s activities and choices. Soon, you miss out on the important things and you just get caught up in the little things that distract. Keep your focus on Him. Keep your relationships with family and friends alive and growing. Have fun. Make each day count. Make forgiveness a part of your actions towards others. It will make your life so much more exciting when you do.

We add our prayers for all of the youth ministers and youth leaders in our fellowship groups and churches. We have such a great need for these specially equipped people. We need their leadership. We need their enthusiasm. We need their passion and commitment to serve the needs of our youth. It is often that kids begin to drift away from church and from their relationship with Christ as they are leaving high school and going off to college, to work, or to the military. When there is an active youth program through churches, there is a continuous process of activities, communications, follow-ups, and involvement. It shows our youth that they matter dearly to God and to our church. Support these youth ministers. Encourage them. Remind our youth to get involved and to be part of these groups. It is vital to their lives. It is vital to our church. Be that blessing. Pass it on with the same forgiveness which He has given to you.

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