Is there something more than this life?

63:03 Psalm “Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.” (NIV)

As we approach Easter, we again realize the great sacrifice which God made on our behalf by sending Jesus to die for our sins. It is a love which is too deep for words. It only makes sense when you consider the magnitude of God’s love for us. It is truly better than life as we know it because it will last throughout all of eternity. When we receive such a gift, we MUST stop to give God all the glory, honor and praise due to His name. So, remember to share that same love with those around you. Invite them to an Easter service. Ask them to join you for dinner. Take the time to get to know them AND for them to see the love of Christ working in and through you. It will be an Easter to remember… may be even through eternity!

Click ‘Like’ on this post and please click ‘Share’ to pass on to family and friends everywhere this verse. Ask if they can think of anything or anyone that they would die for. Ask why that is so important to them. Listen as they answer. Let them know that great love of God which sent Jesus to die in our place so that we can live with Him forever. Tell them that same Good News applies to us today. Encourage them to check it our at one of the services in the churches in your area. Always Take Time For God’s Word© each day as you see love in action, then think of this verse as “63:03” and give God the glory for the love and life He has given to you. You may be able to recall this verse with the math fact of 6=3+3 (63:3). Combined it is a dozen. We think of the dozen disciples. Again, the way to remember things is to make them important… to link them to things that you think about… and then to bring them to mind often throughout each day. That’s how you can keep His Word close to your heart… forever. Try it or use other techniques which we provide. Like it says, “bring it to mind, take it to heart!”

We continue our prayers for the local, national, and international first responder organizations like the Red Cross or Lutheran World Relief which mobilize resources to deal with the first early days of a disaster and then stay for the longer cleanup and recovery efforts. They provide untold help and support to those in desperate need. Their volunteers help to make that huge difference. Help where you can. Support their efforts. Let your love show in such compassionate ways. It will show you just how truly blessed you are. Stay blessed throughout this Easter Week. Pass it on to someone who needs to have the Good News in their life… right now!

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