What have you vowed to God?

61:08 Psalm “Then I will ever sing in praise of your name and fulfill my vows day after day.” (NIV)

What vows have you made? Marriage… citizenship… confirmation of you faith… others? We need to remember the vows that we have made to God. We need to make them a priority each day. Time for Bible study… time for prayer… time for helping others… or similar specific vows and commitments. When we take the time to fulfill our vows, we reinforce them and they become stronger. When we neglect our vows, it affects all parts of our lives. So, today, and each day, keep your vows to the Lord. Sing His praises. Thank Him for His grace and mercy. Let your light shine for Him wherever you go. You will make the world a brighter place!

Provide this verse to your close friends and family by sharing a copy of this blog or the link to this page. Ask if they are reminded of their vows each day. Ask them how they make sure that they keep those vows unbroken. Share with them the steps that you take to keep your vows. Offer to pray with and for these family and friends. It will help to strengthen vows when we are reminded of them often. Always Take Time For God’s Word© throughout the day whenever you hear someone taking or repeating a vow, then think of this verse as “61:08” and keep a song of praise in your heart. As we have discussed often, music is such a powerful way to praise God and to recall His Word. Many of the Psalms are used in contemporary Christian worship songs. When you sing the song you are repeating the Psalm. It makes a powerful connection in your heart and soul. Whenever you can, surround yourself with great songs of thanksgiving and praise. It makes any day go much better. Try it and see!

We begin each monthly prayer cycle with focused prayers for all of the brave women and men in our military service… past or present. They make a vow to protect and defend our nation. They commit themselves to that service. They commit their very lives to fulfilling vow. Thank them. Support their families when the person is away on active duty. Be that blessing to them. Pass it on by fulfilling your vows to your God, to your country, and to your family. Praise the Lord!

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