What ransom would you pay for your life?

49:08 Psalm “the ransom for a life is costly, no payment is ever enough--” (NIV)

What are you worth? No, I am not talking about bank accounts, property, or possessions… I am talking about the true value of your life. It is a serious question. One we often fail to ask… and one we fail to answer. Fortunately, God has already answered it for us. He has already paid the ransom price for our lives. He did it once and for all times. He paid the ultimate price by sending Christ to take on our sins and to die in our place. Now that the price has been paid, what is your response to God for making such a payment? In reality, we owe our very lives to God. Let us live a life of service and gratitude for ALL that He has done for us. Live freely and give all the glory to God!

You can route this verse to all of your friends on social media and on your email lists by copying this blog post or the link to this page. Ask if they have ever worried about being kidnapped and taken for ransom. Ask who would pay the ransom price and how much that might be. Then, let them know that their ransom has already been paid by Jesus Christ on the cross. We could never pay that price ourselves… yet, He did it freely just for us! WOW… what great love was shown to us by God. Claim it each day. Remember to Take Time For God’s Word© each day as you pay for any product or service, then recall this verse as ’49:08’, and praise Him for sending Jesus to pay the price for us. I enjoy reading verses in various translations. It gives me new perspective on a verse. It often emphasizes a word or two differently which gives new meaning to me. In The Living Bible, in Proverbs 13:8, it says, “Being kidnapped and held for ransom never worries the poor man!” So, it is therefore NOT something that I need to worry about! Yet, we KNOW that God has already paid the ransom for us. We need to be mindful of that each day. We need to express our thanks and praise for that great gift. Show your gratitude in how you live… in how you love others… and in how you serve those in need. Live out His love!

Our prayers today are for ALL Christians in all of the colleges and universities across the country. They face open confrontation in the dorms… in the classrooms… in their worship groups. Others want to stop the Good News from being shared. They want to keep people held in ransom for their sins. They want the darkness to hide their actions. We need Christian students, faculty, and staff to be willing to share openly and faithfully their belief in God and their love for Christ. Encourage them. Support them. Let your light shine where you are. Stay blessed always. Pass it on as one who has been ransomed from death into life eternal!

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