Remember, we are just passing through…

39:12 Psalm “Hear my prayer, O LORD! Listen to my cries for help! Don't ignore my tears. For I am your guest--a traveler passing through, as my ancestors were before me." (NLT)

We accumulate A LOT during our lifetimes. So much that it would appear that we expect to stay here forever. We are just traveling through this world on to our heavenly home that is prepared for us because of our faith in Jesus. For now, we are to pack lite… travel gratefully… be prepared to help others along their way… enjoy each day as it comes… hug those who are closest to you… share His love with all people. It can be a great journey if we follow His path and His plans for us.

Click ‘Like’ on this post and click ‘Share’ to route this verse your family, friends, and co-workers in His kingdom. Ask what is their favorite place to visit. Ask if they travel light when they go on a vacation or if they tend to pack too much. Let them know that as we journey through this life, we are to remember that we are just passing through. There are no U-Haul trailers pulled behind the hearses. We take nothing with us when we die EXCEPT our faith in the one who has saved us… Jesus Christ. Cherish that thought each day. Continue to Take Time For God’s Word© as you pack for any trip or vacation, then recall this verse as ’39:12’, and be reminded that we are just passing through this world. This may be a verse to print out and tape to your closet door. As you look at it each day, think of ways that you can simplify your life. Consider ways to share your possessions with others in need. There is never a need to carry the burden of sin as you travel through this life. Jesus carried it for you to the cross. Leave it there. You will feel better. You will travel lighter. You will be more joyful. Enjoy the journey and prepare for a great and final destination!

We end our monthly prayer cycle by focusing on that one person who you know that needs Jesus in their life. It may be a family member, friend, colleague at work or school, or others. Be specific. Focus on their needs. Seek the grace of God to be revealed to them. Let them know that you pray for them. Keep at it. Trust God’s timing in their lives. Be a blessing to them. Pass it on as a traveler sharing life-saving directions to everyone that you meet.

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