Be among those who love peace…

37:37 Psalm “Look at those who are honest and good, for a wonderful future awaits those who love peace.” (NLT)

Yes, people are watching you… nothing to be paranoid about, just be aware of it. I am not talking about stalking or spying. I am reminding you that people are watching you to see what a Christian does. Do they practice what they say they believe? Do they show the love that they talk about? So, now you know. You are a living example of Christ’s love in you… in your family… at your work… in the community… at your church. Be an example of what is honest and good. Seek peace in all that you do. Shine brightly for Him!

Please provide this verse to all of your family, friends, and co-workers in His kingdom by copying this blog or by sending this link. Ask if they can name a person who they believe is a great example of living a life for Jesus. Ask what sets those people apart from others. Ask that they pray for you in your walk with Jesus. Set a good example for sharing the love of Jesus. Know that you have a wonderful future which is built on all of your honest and good actions each day. Then Take Time For God’s Word© whenever you hear the word ‘peace’, then think of this verse as ’37:37’, and seek God’s guidance each day. I like things that repeat… 37…37… (37:37) It helps to remember them. This may be a verse to print and post where you see it each day. It is a great reminder. It is a great goal… to be honest and good. It is a great goal… to have a wonderful future for those who love peace. Keep the goal in mind. Make each encounter that you have with others be done in love. It may have an eternal impact. Be that blessing.

Please continue your prayers and your support for all of the homeless shelters and organizations that support the homeless like Pacific Garden Mission (Chicago, IL). It has been a bitterly cold and snowy winter for many parts of the USA this year. It is a great relief to find a warm place to stay and some food to eat. It is hard for us to imagine living a life on the streets. Yet, we can do things to change that. We can help. We can pray. We can volunteer. There is always something that each of us can do if we are open to hearing and heeding God’s call to us. Be blessed and be a great blessing to others. Pass it on through your honest and good actions and through your loving heart!

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