How do you spend what is priceless?

36:07 Psalm “How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.” (NIV)

We have likely seen the commercial for a VISA credit card which ends with some memorable event or emotion which they describe as ‘priceless’. It is clever marketing. We receive something FAR MORE enduring and meaningful when we accept the ‘priceless love of God’ as given through the love of Christ. He already made the purchase for us… He paid the price… we get all the benefits. There is no better offer anywhere in the world. Yet, many still are lost and are looking for this very offer. Help them. Spread the Good News. Share it with all that you meet today!

Please recommend this verse to friends and family by sending them a copy of the blog post or this link. Ask what gift they receive which they consider priceless. Ask when was the last time they received it. Share with them the priceless love of God. Help them to know how important they are to you. Help them to understand the gift God gave for them… the love of Christ. Be there for your family and friends. It can be priceless. Remember to Take Time For God’s Word© as you see a VISA card ad, then recall this verse as ’36:07’, and the priceless love of God for you. Save this photo on your phone in a folder of Favorite Verses. It is a simple option. It takes less than 10 seconds to snap the photo and to add it to that folder. Your phone weighs no more full than empty so use it to full advantage by storing up great verses that you can review from time-to-time while waiting in line OR while commercials are playing OR when you can just pause for a moment to consider all of God’s blessings. Anytime is a great time to recall His Word and His plans for you. Make the most of it. Those moments truly are ‘priceless’!

Please offer a prayer of thanks and support for all of the hospitals and clinics in our communities. Pray for the patients receiving care and for the staff who are serving them faithfully. We have so many blessings with the care that we receive. Medicines relieve pain and treat many common issues and diseases. Be grateful for such benefits that God has given to us. Thank those who serve there. Let them know that you appreciate what they do. Be a blessing to them. Pass it on by sharing His priceless love and abide within the shadow of His wings!

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