Let your thanks reach to the balcony and beyond…

35:18 Psalm “Then I will thank you in front of the great assembly. I will praise you before all the people.” (NLT)

Do you always say ‘thank you’? When we were growing up it was just good manners to do so. It has stuck with us. Yet, I am sure that we do NOT say ‘Thank you’ to God enough for ALL that He has done for us. We do not praise God for His love to us through Christ. I know I don’t… and I do need to! Each day, take the time to offer both Thanks and Praise to God for ALL He has done!!

Copy the blog or the link to pass along this verse to your close friends and family. Ask when was the last time that they offered ‘Thanks’ to God. Ask if they praise His name in prayers and in church worship or fellowship groups. Let them know ways that you are reminded to give Thanks and Praise. Commit to them to do it more often. Please Take Time For God’s Word© as you hear someone say ‘thanks’, then think of this verse as ’35:18’, and praise God again for the love of Jesus in your life. We often make promises to God but when He delivers us from our problems, we tend to forget about those promises. Resolve to change. Resolve to give God ALL of the Thanks and Praise He is due. Set a Reminder on your phone for 5:18pm with the title, “35:18 Give Thanks and Praise to Him” to remind you of the verse but more importantly to remind you of the need to thank and praise Him. Make that a habit… to last a lifetime…and beyond!

Today our focused prayers are for all of the nursing homes and assisted living centers around the country. There is such a great need for these places. Be glad that they are available to those who have such needs. Pray for all the patients and staff and families of those in such facilities. Reach out to those you know in such places. Let them know you remember them. Let them know that you care for them. Call… write… text… email… whatever reaches them, please do it! You will be a blessing. Pass it on with great thanks and praise to God each day!! Stay blessed always!

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