When will the Lord come to rescue you?

34:19 Psalm “The righteous person faces many troubles, but the LORD comes to the rescue each time.” (NLT)

Trouble. You don’t even need to look for it. Trouble will find you. And when it does, who do you look to for rescue… your financial advisor… your boss… your family… the government (good luck with that). Others may help a little but it is God who has the power and the will to rescue you. He loves you with an everlasting love. He does not want you to fall or fail. Trust in Him and He will always rescue you!

You may want to give this verse to close friends and family by sharing the blog post or the link to this page. Ask when was the last time they needed to be rescued. Ask who came to their rescue and how that made them feel. Share with them how the love of God has rescued you. Let them know that they are deeply loved by God and He will rescue them, too. Please Take Time For God’s Word© as you see someone in trouble today, then think of this verse as ’34:19’, and thank God for His rescuing hand. While my life does not have any high risk activities, there are plenty of ways that God reaches out to rescue me. You may want to print this verse card and tape it to your mirror so that you see it each day. Seek His rescue. Seek Him even before it gets to be critical. Follow His plan. See what a great difference He makes when you choose to walk with Him. You will be blessed by it.

Our prayers go out to all of the Sunday School teachers and helpers in our churches and fellowship groups. They are a blessing. They study and practice to share the lessons with the kids. Getting and keeping the kids attention is a challenge. Yet, they stick with it. They share Bible stories, Bible songs, and crafts to help the kids to remember the verse or the meaning of a verse for that day. THANK YOU if you are or have been a Sunday School teacher. Well Done! Continue to support them. Encourage them. Cheer them on. Be a blessing to them as they are to others. Pass it on confidently knowing that God will rescue you!

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