Confession frees us from guilt…

32:05 Psalm “Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the LORD." And you forgave the guilt of my sin.” (NIV)

We need to confess our sins to God. We need to acknowledge before Him all of our transgressions. It is good for our heart and soul to be rid of ALL of the things which hold us back and which weigh us down. Once these are confessed, God is faithful to forgive ALL of our sins. He restores us. He makes us whole again. We can walk without guilt or shame anymore. We are forgiven!!

Click ‘Like’ on this post and click ‘Share’ to extend this verse to all of your family, friends, and contacts on your email list. Ask if they have ever needed to confess something to someone else. Ask how they felt after they had made that confession. Share with them the freedom that comes from confessing our sins to God and receiving His total forgiveness. Always Take Time For God’s Word© as you confess your sins, then remember this verse as ’32:05’, and thank God that He frees us from guilt. While we need to confess our sins, we need to also focus on being freed from the guilt of sin. Release it ALL to Jesus. Too often we keep the guilt. Too often we KNOW that we are forgiven but the sin still haunts us. Give it ALL over to Jesus. ALL your sins are covered at the cross. Let that be your joy today. Sins are GONE! New life has come to YOU!!

Take an extra few moments today to pray for and to thank God for all of your friends and family. Name them one-by-one in your prayers. Pray for their needs. Lift them up to God as blessings in your life. Ask God that you be a blessing to them. We are all part of the family of God. We need to act like family. Tell them that you are praying for them. They need to know of your love and support. Stay blessed in ALL that you do for His kingdom. Pass it on with freedom from guilt and the burden of sin.

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