You are in GREAT hands…God’s hands!

31:05 Psalm “Into your hands I commit my spirit; deliver me, LORD, my faithful God.” (NIV)

When I was young, we visited the Grand Canyon. We were to all sit on the ledge for a photo…behind us was the straight drop down into the canyon. I was afraid to fall. Then I felt my dad’s hand behind my back. I knew he would not let me slip and fall. I knew I was safe in my dad’s hand. That is how we should feel everyday…being in the hand of God. He is our protector and our shield. Live confidently in His care each day! Be bold in sharing that love with others.

Click ‘Like’ on this post and click ‘Share’ to pass along this verse to all your friends on social media. Ask if they have ever had someone reach out their hand to save them. Ask the circumstances and how that made them feel. Share with them the great Good News that we can be in the hand of God each day. He will deliver us from our sins. Then, Take Time For God’s Word© as you look at your hands, then think of this verse as ’31:05’, and thank God for His delivering hand. These words were said by Christ on the Cross…’Into your hands I commit my spirit’. We also need to commit our spirit into the hands and plans of God. Pray that He will lead and guide and direct your paths to be His witness to a world that is dying to know Him. Let each day have an impact for eternity. Make new ‘forever friends’ in all that you do!

We now pray for all of those organizations which support foster care and other outreach programs for youth in need. We pray for Eckerd Connects (Clearwater, FL) and for all of the outreach services and support which they provide within their community and beyond. Offer your support where you can. Encourage foster families. Consider it for your family. Be that great blessing to a young person who needs a kind and loving home. Stay blessed in all that you do. Pass it on from the hand of God to those in need.

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