Pray for patience… and persistence…

27:07 Psalm “Hear me as I pray, O LORD. Be merciful and answer me!” (NLT)

Prayer works! God answers and acts. Not always on our time-schedules or with our outcomes… His answers address a much bigger plan. We have all experienced it. We prayed… and waited… and waited… and we may even have given up praying for that thing or person. We just didn’t see His answer. Yet, we know He hears every prayer. He longs to give us the best in our lives. So, let us continue to pray… earnestly, faithfully, daily, persistently, expectantly… God will answer according to His plans for us. THANK YOU, LORD!

Please route this verse to close friends and members in your church or fellowship group. Ask if all of their prayers have been answered. Ask how long they pray for something and then stop because they didn’t see an answer. Let them know that you pray for them. We need to surround each other with prayers. PLEASE pray for this ministry and our ability to impact lives for Jesus. Next, Take Time For God’s Word© whenever you stop to pray… recall verses like ‘27:07’, then thank God hearing our prayers and for His answers. I like the sentence, “Be merciful and answer me!” It is like the college poster that I had which said, “Lord, give me patience…and I want it RIGHT NOW!” (I guess I am still working on that patience part.) Continue to ask. Continue to expect. Continue to hope. His answers may not always be what we want but they prove to be what we need. Then offer prayers of thanks and praise. Reflect on ALL that He has given you. Have an ‘attitude-of-gratitude’ every day! Pray!

We pray for all of the hospitals and clinics around the country and for all of the patients who are needing their services. We have some amazing facilities with dedicated medical professionals. God often works His miracles through the hands and services of people. They are no less miracles. We need to let God work in and through us to be the very blessing that others are praying for. Your greatest ‘ability’ is often your ‘avail-ability’ to God. Do what you can to support these institutions. Thank them for their services. Volunteer there if you can. Let God help you to be an answer to prayers. Pass it on with persistent prayers and with faith in God’s responses!

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