‘Do not give up’…on doing good!

6:09 Galatians “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (NIV)

Welcome to 2019!! May God richly bless you in the New Year!

Paul knows about hardships. He knows about being weary. He knows about struggles and even being in prison. Yet, he also knows about the great rewards which await him and all of us if we do NOT give up. Let this year, this new year, be one where you trust more and more in the plans of God. Let each day be one where you share the Good News. Let your words and deeds be done for the good of others. It will not be easy… it never is. Yet, it will ALL be worth it… and you will see and be a great blessing to many others. Be that blessing in 2019!!

You can route this reminder to all of your family, friends, and neighbors… near or far by copying this blog post or by sending them the link to it. Ask if they made any ‘new’ New Year’s resolutions. Ask if they are truly new or if they are the ones that never got done in 2018. Encourage them to make reading, studying and learning God’s Word a priority in 2019. It will have lifetime benefits… and beyond. Now that is worth investing in now… and forever! Please Take Time For God’s Word(c) at 6:09 am or pm or as you feel tired or weary, remember this verse and ‘do not give up’. We all may have good intentions in starting the new year but we move them from intentions-to-actions-to-behaviors-to-habits when ‘we do not give up’. Pray for strength. Ask others for help or encouragement. Set reminders. Post notes or images of your targeted goals. Do whatever it takes to pursue all the good plans that God has for you. It will be amazing…’if we do not give up’! Go for it!!

Let us begin our prayers in 2019 for those people who have been impacted by and are still recovering from severe weather issues in 2018 and before. Some people are starting over… they lost everything… except each other. They feel blessed. Others did lose loved ones. They still need our help. They need support. They need encouragement. Remember them as we start this new year. Continue to be the blessing that others need. Then, pass it on by doing good and by never giving up on the Good News and its life-saving and life-changing message!

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